In this tutorial, I will keep it basic to demonstrate the power of how you can trigger a AWS Lambda function on a S3 PUT event,
A collection of 7 posts
Snapshot and Restore Indices on Elasticsearch
Tutorial on how to create Snapshots on Elasticsearch using AWS S3 and how to restore your cluster from a Snapshot
Using Minios Python SDK to interact with a Minio S3 Bucket
In our previous post, we have Setup Minio Server which is a self-hosted alternative to Amazon's S3 Service. We will go through some basic examples on working with the Python SDK, to interact with Minio. Installing the Minio Python Library:
Run Your Self-Hosted S3 Service With Minio on Docker Swarm
Minio is a distributed object storage server built for cloud applications, which is similar to Amazon's S3 Service. Today, we will create the server on docker swarm, as I don't currently have a external data store like GlusterFS / NFS etc,
How to Control Access with AWS IAM for Users and Groups using the CLI for Granting S3 Access
In this post, we will use Identity Access Management (IAM) on AWS to Control Access for our Groups and Users using the CLI, and as an example use-case, we will be allowing S3 Access for Users that is associated to
AWS DataPipeline: S3 Backup Script Example using AWS CLI Activity
In this tutorial, I will show you how to launch a pipeline via the CLI. Why the CLI? Because anything using the CLI is AWESOME! We will launch a AWS CLI Activity, where we are going to backup files from
AWS Java SDK - Detect if S3 Object exists using doesObjectExist
window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"3dfcff447b6ee598231eeb658","lid":"5c36081d06","uniqueMethods":true}) }) I was writing a test application which is hosted on EC2 on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and one of the
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