In this post we will setup a Java Hello World Web App, using Maven and SpringBoot on Ubuntu 16. I will create all the needed files in this tutorial, but you can head to to generate the
A collection of 6 posts
Install Java Development Kit 10 on Ubuntu
With the announcement of improved docker container integration with Java 10, the JVM is now aware of resource constraints, as not from prior versions. More information on this post Differences in Java 8 and Java 10: As you can see
Setup Payara Java Application Server on Ubuntu 16.04
Today we will setup Payara 5 on Ubuntu 16.04 About: Payara is an Open Source Java Application Server. Pre-Requirements: Update and Install Java 8: $ apt update && apt upgrade -y $ apt-get install wget curl unzip software-properties-common python-software-properties -y
Running Java Web Applications on Docker with Payara Micro
Payara Micro, a lightweight framework for serving your Java Applications, from your WAR files. Payara Micro Features: It's Small, less than 70 MB in size Ease of use. Automatic and Elastic Clustering Payara Micro is designed for running Java EE
AWS: Create EMR Cluster with Java SDK Examples
Today, providing some basic examples on creating a EMR Cluster and adding steps to the cluster with the AWS Java SDK. This tutorial will show how to create an EMR Cluster in eu-west-1 with 1x m3.xlarge Master Node and
AWS Java SDK - Detect if S3 Object exists using doesObjectExist
window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"3dfcff447b6ee598231eeb658","lid":"5c36081d06","uniqueMethods":true}) }) I was writing a test application which is hosted on EC2 on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and one of the
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