At this time of writing (2019.06.10) Scaleway's Kubernetes as a Service, named Kapsule is in Private Beta and got access and pretty stoked on how easy it is to provision a Kubernetes cluster.
What are we doing today?
In this tutorial I will show you how easy it is to provision a 3 node Kubernetes Cluster on Scaleway. In the upcoming tutorial, I will create traefik as an ingress controller and deploy applications to our cluster. Github Repo Version available for now
Provision a Kapsule Cluster
Head over to Kapsule and provision a Kubernetes Cluster:

At this point in time, I will only create a one node "cluster", as I want to show how to add pools after the intial creation.
After the cluster has been provisioned, you will get information about your endpoints from the Cluster Infromation Section, which we will need for our ingresses:

Scroll down to download your config:

Move your config in place:
$ mv ~/Downloads/kubeconfig-k8s-mystifying-torvalds.yaml ~/.kube/config
Interact with your Cluster
Test the connection by getting the info of your nodes in your kubernetes cluster:
$ kubectl get node
scw-k8s-mystifying-torvalds-default-7f263aabab Ready <none> 4m v1.14.1
Add more nodes:
Provision another pool with 2 more nodes in our cluster:

After the pool has been provisioned, verified that they have joined the cluster:
$ kubectl get nodes
scw-k8s-mystifying-torvald-jovial-mclar-25a942 Ready <none> 2m v1.14.1
scw-k8s-mystifying-torvald-jovial-mclar-eaf1a2 Ready <none> 2m v1.14.1
scw-k8s-mystifying-torvalds-default-7f263aabab Ready <none> 15m v1.14.1
Master / Node Capabilities
Usually, I will label master nodes as master: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
and worker nodes as nodes: node-role.kubernetes.io/node
to allow container scheduling only on the worker nodes. But Scaleway manages this on their end and when you list your nodes, the nodes that you see are your "worker" nodes.
The master nodes are managed by Scaleway.
Well Done Scaleway
Just one more reason I really love Kapsule. Simplicity at its best, well done to Scaleway. I hope most of the people got access to private beta, but if not, im pretty sure they will keep the public informed on public release dates.