Create a simple bash init script, and pass the arguments to stop or start a process. In this example we will use the init script to control tcpdump.
Create, and apply permissions.
$ touch /etc/init.d/tcpmonitor
$ chmod +x /etc/init.d/tcpmonitor
Open /etc/init.d/tcpmonitor
start() {
echo "starting tcpmonitor"
screen -S tcpmonitor -m -d sh -c 'tcpdump -n -w /tmp/file.pcap'
sleep 2
echo "tcpdump started with PID of $(ps fax | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep | head -1 | awk '{print $1}') and logging to /tmp/file.pcap"
echo "started tcpdump ["$(tput setaf 2)OK$(tput sgr0)"]"
stop() {
echo "stopping tcpmonitor"
screen -X -S tcpmonitor quit
sleep 2
echo "tcpmonitor stopped ["$(tput setaf 2)OK$(tput sgr0)"]"
case "$1" in
start) start ;;
stop) stop;;
*) echo "usage $0 start|stop" >&2
exit 1
Script Usage:
This will load tcpdump in the memory, and log info to a file
$ /etc/init.d/tcpmonitor start
This will terminate tcpdump from the memory
$ /etc/init.d/tcpmonitor stop