The Issue: I was trying to Schedule the Launch of EMR Clusters using Cronjobs where I have noticed that it fails via cronjobs but passes via cli. The reasoning behind this in my experience was that the PATH variable that
A collection of 30 posts
Setup HTTP Load Balancer with HAProxy
When it comes to ensuring that we need our website needs to be online at all times, we need to start looking at High Availability. Today we will be demonstrating a basic setup of Layer 4 (transport layer) load balancing
Creating a BASH init startup script
Create a simple bash init script, and pass the arguments to stop or start a process. In this example we will use the init script to control tcpdump. Pre-Requisites: Create, and apply permissions. $ touch /etc/init.d/tcpmonitor $ chmod +x
Secure Passwordless SSH using Keys
A quick post on how to setup passwordless ssh access between linux hosts. When generating a key pair, it provides you with a public and a private key. You can place the public key on any server, and then it
Find Command in Linux
Post on the find command in Linux. Find files modified in the last 7 days: find /opt/ -mtime +7 Finding Files: find /opt/ -type f -name "abc*" Finding Directories: find /opt/ -type d -name "abc*" Find
Setup Domain Controller on Linux using Samba 4
We will be setting up a CentOS Server as Domain Controller using Samba4 and then using a Windows client to authenticate against it. This is a alternative to Microsoft's Active Directory. In the following setup I will reference the DC
Setup MongoDB on CentOS and Getting Started Guide
MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database. Classified as a NoSQL database, MongoDB's structure in are JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (MongoDB calls the format BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster Setup MongoDB
Setup ELK Stack with Elasticsearch Kibana Logstash
~Note:~ This post is old and is scheduled to be updated. Centralized logging, analytics and visualization with ElasticSearch, Filebeat, Kibana and Logstash. Our ELK Stack will consist of: Elasticsearch: Stores all of the logs Kibana: Web interface for searching and
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