Backup your files with tar

If you need a one-liner command to backup your files you can use tar, its quite powerful in its usage and you can also exclude items you dont want. I have a lot of git repos or terraform directories, node-modules

Moving docker root directory

This post will show you how to reconfigure docker to write its storage to a different disk, as in my example I ran out of storage on my root disk and wanted to move it to another partition.

How to Run a AMD64 Bit Linux VM on a Mac M1

This tutorial will show you how you can run 64bit Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machines on a Apple Mac M1 arm64 architecture macbook using UTM. 💡This post has been post originally at blog.ruanbekker.comInstallationHead over to their documentation and download

Install Java Development Kit 10 on Ubuntu

With the announcement of improved docker container integration with Java 10, the JVM is now aware of resource constraints, as not from prior versions. More information on this post Differences in Java 8 and Java 10: As you can see

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