Alert on metrics using Prometheus and Alertmanager. This tutorial will guide you to setup Alertmanager with Prometheus.
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 243 posts
Using Concourse CI to Deploy to Docker Swarm
See how easy it is to setup a ci/cd pipeline to deploy your applications to docker swarm using concourse-ci
Using OpenFaas with Amazon DynamoDB
See how easy it is to use OpenFaaS with Amazon DynamoDB
Setup Prometheus and Node Exporter on Linux for Epic Monitoring
Prometheus is one of those awesome open source monitoring services that I simply cannot live without. Prometheus is a Time Series Database that collects metrics from services using it's exporters functionality. Prometheus has its own query language called PromQL and
Testing out Scaleways Kapsule their Kubernetes as a Service offering
At this time of writing (2019.06.10) Scaleway's Kubernetes as a Service, named Kapsule is in Private Beta and got access and pretty stoked on how easy it is to provision a Kubernetes cluster. window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"
Setup a Logstash Server for Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Auth with IAM
As many of you might know, when you deploy a ELK stack on Amazon Web Services, you only get E and K in the ELK stack, which is Elasticsearch and Kibana. Here we will be dealing with Logstash on EC2.
Build Small Golang Docker Containers
In this tutorial I will show you how to build really small docker containers for golang applications. And I mean the difference between 310MB down to 2MB But Alpine..So we thinking lets go with alpine right? Yeah sure lets
Secure your Elasticsearch Cluster with Basic Auth using Nginx and SSL from Letsencrypt
In this tutorial we will setup a reverse proxy using nginx to translate and load balance traffic through to our elasticsearch nodes. We will also protect our elasticsearch cluster with basic auth and use letsencrypt to retrieve free ssl certificates.
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