I am a fanatic when it comes to building stuff and especially a big interest in web applications. With this interest, I stumbled upon a project called Flask in 2015 and loving it ever since! Multi-Post Tutorial Series on Flask:
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 244 posts
Unable to Launch EMR Clusters with Cronjobs
The Issue: I was trying to Schedule the Launch of EMR Clusters using Cronjobs where I have noticed that it fails via cronjobs but passes via cli. The reasoning behind this in my experience was that the PATH variable that
AWS: Create a VPC and Launch EC2 Instance using the CLI
What we will be doing Today: In this tutorial we will setup a VPC on AWS with the AWS CLI tools, and also Launching an EC2 Instance to our newly created VPC. This will include: Creating the VPC, Enabling DNS
Bash Script setup a 3 Node Hadoop Cluster on LXC Containers
Just a quick post on setting up a 3 Node Hadoop Cluster on LXC Containers Instructions: Once the setup has completed, and you ssh to the master node, it will format hdfs and start the daemons, this section was configured
Interfacing Amazon DynamoDB with Python using Boto3
Introduction: In this Tutorial I will show you how to use the boto3 module in Python which is used to interface with Amazon Web Services (AWS). For other blogposts that I wrote on DynamoDB can be found from blog.ruanbekker.
Getting Started with Node.js
Introduction: Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine, which is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications. Node.js became really, really popular in the last couple of years. If
Removing the Hive Metastore Password from hive-site.xml on EMR
With Hive's Metastore config, we have an entry that hosts your password to authenticate against your metastore database. This password is saved in clear-text, which looks like this: <property> <name>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword</name&
AWS: Create EMR Cluster with Java SDK Examples
Today, providing some basic examples on creating a EMR Cluster and adding steps to the cluster with the AWS Java SDK. This tutorial will show how to create an EMR Cluster in eu-west-1 with 1x m3.xlarge Master Node and
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