In one of my earlier posts on GlusterFS, we went through the steps on how to setup a Distributed Storage Volume, where the end result was to have scalable storage, where size was the requirement. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 244 posts
Bash Script to Parse and Analyze Nginx Access Logs
I wanted a quick way to analyze nginx access logs from the command line, where I only wanted to see the following: Top 10 Request IP's (from the current Access Log) Top Request Methods (From the Current Access Log) Top
Structured Search Queries with Elasticsearch
Structured Search with Elasticsearch: In this post we will ingest some dummy data into elasticsearch, then we will perform some queries to get the following info: Student Names Student Ages Include / Exclude Marks greater than Finding Students with Specific marks,
Traefik - a Modern HTTP Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer for Microservices such as Docker
Traefik is a modern load balancer and reverse proxy built for micro services. The cool thing that I love about Traefik, is that you can create web applications on the fly, I found that testing alot of web applications, needed
Running Java Web Applications on Docker with Payara Micro
Payara Micro, a lightweight framework for serving your Java Applications, from your WAR files. Payara Micro Features: It's Small, less than 70 MB in size Ease of use. Automatic and Elastic Clustering Payara Micro is designed for running Java EE
AWS - Using Python and Boto3 to get Information about Untagged EC2 resources
Just a quick post on a Python script to scan through all your EC2 Instances in the Specified Region, and if there's no Tags associated to the resource, the script will print information out about the resources in question. Below
Setup a Distributed Storage Volume with GlusterFS
GlusterFS is a Awesome Scalable Networked Filesystem, which makes it Easy to Create Large and Scalable Storage Solutions on Commodity Hardware. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } #carbonads { display: block; overflow:
Amazon EMR Performance Comparison dealing with Hadoops SmallFiles Problem
Today I would like to have a dive into Job Performance with Hadoop, running on the Managed Hadoop Framework of Amazon Web Services, which is Elastic MapReduce (EMR). Hadoop does not deal well with lots of small files, and I
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