This will be a 2 post guide, where we will scrape this website on Page Title, URL and Tags, for blog posts, then we will ingest this data into Elasticsearch. - This Post Once we have our data in Elasticsearch,
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 244 posts
Docker Stacks - Creating a Nodejs Hostname Application on Swarm
Create a Nodejs Application that responds GET requests with its Hostname. We will be using Docker Swarm to create a Stack of our Nodejs application, which will sit beind a HAProxy Load Balancer, we are mounting the docker.sock from
Using Python to Interact with the RocketChat API
window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"3dfcff447b6ee598231eeb658","lid":"5c36081d06","uniqueMethods":true}) }) In my previous post we went throught the steps on how to get Rocket Chat up and running. Today we
Create a Elasticsearch Cluster on Docker Swarm with Alpine
I personally believe that databases should reside outside your swarm, but for testing we will create a Elasticsearch Container from a Alpine Image to keep the size of our image small, which is also great for a testing environment. The
Setup RocketChat on Docker Swarm with Traefik Reverse Proxy
Rocket Chat is a Great Self-Hosted Open Source Communication Platform for Teams and Communities. You can almost categorize it as a Open Source Self Hosted Slack-like Platform. Features: Rocket Chat offers features such as: Chat Platform API Live Support Chat
Using Minios Python SDK to interact with a Minio S3 Bucket
In our previous post, we have Setup Minio Server which is a self-hosted alternative to Amazon's S3 Service. We will go through some basic examples on working with the Python SDK, to interact with Minio. Installing the Minio Python Library:
Run Your Self-Hosted S3 Service With Minio on Docker Swarm
Minio is a distributed object storage server built for cloud applications, which is similar to Amazon's S3 Service. Today, we will create the server on docker swarm, as I don't currently have a external data store like GlusterFS / NFS etc,
Setup a 3 Node Docker Swarm on Ubuntu 16
In this guide we will go through the steps on setting up a 3 node Docker Swarm. For more detailed information, and setting up a scalable application have a look at this post Getting Started: Bootstrap Docker Swarm Setup with
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