In this post we will see how quick and fast it is to setup a NFS Server using a Docker container using itsthenetwork/nfs-server-alpine. If you would like to install NFS Server using a non-docker based deployment, you can have
A collection of 19 posts
Persistent Storage with OpenEBS on Kubernetes
Today we will explore persistent storage for Cassandra on Kubernetes with OpenEBS. If you want to follow along, you can sign up with them to get your account created: What will be doingWe will be deploying a k3s distribution of
Persisting Jenkins Data on Kubernetes with Longhorn on Civo
Provision a Kubernetes ClusterCreate a civo kubernetes cluster: $ civo kubernetes create --size=g2.small --nodes 3 --version 0.9.1 --applications Longhorn --wait Building new Kubernetes cluster rebel-comrade: Done Created Kubernetes cluster rebel-comrade in 02 min 03 sec Append the
Setup a 4 Node Distributed Minio Cluster
https://min.ioIn this post we will setup a 4 node minio distributed cluster on AWS. Create AWS ResourcesFirst create the minio security group that allows port 22 and port 9000 from everywhere (you can change this to suite your
Docker Swarm Persistent Storage with NFS
In this tutorial we will experiment with Docker Swarm Persistent Storage, backed by NFS using ContainX's Netshare Service Get the dependencies:If you have not provisioned a swarm using docker, have a look at setup a 3 node docker swarm
Container Persistent Storage for Docker Swarm using a GlusterFS Volume Plugin
From one of my previous posts I demonstrated how to provide persistent storage for your containers by using a Convoy NFS Plugin. I've stumbled upon one AWESOME GlusterFS Volume Plugin for Docker by @trajano, please have a look at his
Create a Logical Storage Volume using LVM on Ubuntu
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) - adds an extra layer between the physical disks and the file system, which allows you to resize your storage on the fly, use multiple disks, instead of one, etc. Concepts: Physical Volume: Physical Volume represents
Guide to Setup Ranchers Convoy Volume Driver for Docker Swarm with NFS
In this post we will setup Rancher's Convoy Storage Plugin with NFS, to provide data persistence in Docker Swarm. The Overview: This essentially means that we will have a NFS Volume, when the service gets created on Docker Swarm, the
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