Today we will setup a API Gateway which has a Lambda Function, written in Python which we will setup using the AWS CLI What we will be doing: We will setup an API Endpoint that we will use to post
Setup a Concourse CI Server on Ubuntu 16
Concourse is a Pipeline Based Continious Integration system written in Go Resources: What is Concourse CI: Concourse CI is a Continious Integration
Create a Docker Persistent MySQL Service backed by NFS
Docker Containers are stateless, if you want a persistent service like MySQL I always recommend having your database services outside the swarm, but if you need to look at Persistent Storage, there's a lot, including GlusterFS and NFS. #carbonads { font-family:
Setup a NFS Server and Client on the Raspberry Pi
Setup a NFS Server/Client on the RaspberryPi 3 Setup the Server Side - Disks and Directories Prepare the directories: $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/nfs $ sudo chown pi:pi /opt/nfs $ sudo chmod 755 /opt/nfs For demonstration, I will
Adding Bricks to your GlusterFS Volume to Increase Storage Capacity
So you've reached a point where you have run out of storage and you need to scale or allocate more storage to your GlusterFS Volume. ( function() { if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; }; var unit = {"calltype":"async[2]","publisher":"rbekker87"
Replace Faulty Bricks in GlusterFS
Previous Posts: From our GlusterFS Series we have covered the following: GlusterFS: Distributed Replicated Volume GlusterFS: Distributed Storage Volume GlusterFS: Replicated Storage Volume GlusterFS: Adding Bricks to your Volume GlusterFS: Replace Faulty Bricks Replacing Faulty GlusterFS Bricks: Today we will
Setup a GlusterFS Distributed Replicated Volume
Today we will setup a Distributed-Replicated GlusterFS Volume. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } #carbonads { display: block; overflow: hidden; max-width: 728px; position: relative; background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 99%); border: solid 1px
Deploy an EC2 Instance with Terraform
Today we will test out Terraform and do a Basic Deployment by Launching an EC2 Instance on Amazon Web Services. What is Terraform: As described from their website: "Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve
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