While I'm learning a lot about encryption at the moment, I wanted to test out encryption with the PyCrypto module in Python using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Symmetric Block Cipher. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu,
Encryption and Decryption with Simple Crypt using Python
Today I wanted to encrypt sensitive information to not expose passwords, hostnames etc. I wanted to have a way to encrypt my strings with a master password and stumbled upon Simple Crypt. window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.
Golang: Reading from Files and Writing to Disk with Arguments
From our Previous Post we wrote a basic golang app that reads the contents of a file and writes it back to disk, but in a static way as we defined the source and destination filenames in the code. Today
Golang: Reading from Files and Writing to Disk with Golang
Today we will create a very basic application to read content from a file, and write the content from the file back to disk, but to another filename. Basically, doing a copy of the file to another filename. Golang Environment:
Your First Hello World App with Golang
So everyone has been saying how awesome Golang is, and at this moment, I am quite curious to fiddle with it. Golang Environment: Golang Docker Image A quick way to get a Golang Environment, will be to use Docker. We
Send SMS Messages with Python and Twilio via their API
This post will guide you through the steps on how to send SMS messages with Python and Twilio. We will use talaikis.com API to get a random quote that we will include in the body of the sms. Signup
Nginx Basic Authentication with Source IP Whitelisting
Quick post on how to setup HTTP Basic Authentication and whitelist IP Based Sources to not get prompted for Authentication. This could be useful for systems interacting with Nginx, so that they don't have to provide authentication. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system,
Setup Payara Java Application Server on Ubuntu 16.04
Today we will setup Payara 5 on Ubuntu 16.04 About: Payara is an Open Source Java Application Server. Pre-Requirements: Update and Install Java 8: $ apt update && apt upgrade -y $ apt-get install wget curl unzip software-properties-common python-software-properties -y
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