Elasticsearch, A distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine Today we will Setup a 2 Node Elasticsearch Cluster on CentOS 7 and go through some API examples on creating indexes, ingesting documents, searches etc. But before we get to that, let's
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 244 posts
How to setup a Gateway to Gateway VPN using IPSec on CentOS
window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"mc.us15.list-manage.com","uuid":"3dfcff447b6ee598231eeb658","lid":"5c36081d06","uniqueMethods":true}) }) In this tutorial we will setup a gateway to gateway IPSec VPN using OpenSwan. The Scenario: The scenario we will
How to Setup MongoDB Server on Ubuntu and Enable Authentication
Introduction: Today we will setup a Single Instance of MongoDB Server on Ubuntu and will be using Ubuntu 16.04 for this tutorial. What is MongoDB? MongoDB is one of the NoSQL types of Databases, which is designed as shema-less
Python Flask Series - Routing in Flask - P4
This will be part 4 of our Flask Series where we will go into Routing. Flask Routing is essentially mapping a URL eg. example.com/index/test to a certain piece of code. For example having /contact-us displaying a page
AWS: Access Kibana 5 behind ELB via Nginx Reverse Proxy on Custom DNS
Update: [amazon-web-services-releases-elasticsearch-vpc-support/] (GHOST_URL/amazon-web-services-releases-elasticsearch-vpc-support/) In one of my previous posts: Secure Access to Kibana on AWS Elasticsearch Service, I walked you through on how to setup Basic HTTP Authentication to secure your Kibana UI. window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"
Python Flask Series - Environment Setup P3
This will be part 3 of our Introduction to Python Flask Series. In this section we will be covering our Environment Setup, where I will be showing you how to setup a typical Python Flask Environment using virtualenv. What is
Python Flask Series - Hello World Example Application P2
This is our 2nd Post of the Flask Tutorial Series. In this post we will be creating a "Hello, World" application to demonstrate how easy it is to run a Flask Appliation. The only requirement you need to
Python Flask Series - Introduction to Python Flask P1
This is our First Post of our Python Flask Tutorial Series as this serves a Gentle Introduction to Python Flask: *If you missed the main page, head over to the Index Page What is Python Flask? Flask is a Micro
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