Quick post on how to setup a NFS Server on Ubuntu and how to setup a mount point on the client side to interact with the NFS Server. Server Side: In this post will be the
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 244 posts
Setup a Site to Site IPSec VPN with Strongswan on Ubuntu
Today we will setup a Site to Site ipsec VPN with Strongswan, which will be configured with PreShared Key Authentication. After our tunnels are established, we will be able to reach the private ips over the vpn tunnels. window.dojoRequire(
API Gateway with Lambda using Python on AWS to Post info to Rocketchat
Today we will setup a API Gateway which has a Lambda Function, written in Python which we will setup using the AWS CLI What we will be doing: We will setup an API Endpoint that we will use to post
Setup a Concourse CI Server on Ubuntu 16
Concourse is a Pipeline Based Continious Integration system written in Go Resources: https://concourse.ci/ https://github.com/concourse/concourse https://concourse.ci/hello-world.html https://github.com/starkandwayne/concourse-tutorial What is Concourse CI: Concourse CI is a Continious Integration
Create a Docker Persistent MySQL Service backed by NFS
Docker Containers are stateless, if you want a persistent service like MySQL I always recommend having your database services outside the swarm, but if you need to look at Persistent Storage, there's a lot, including GlusterFS and NFS. #carbonads { font-family:
Setup a NFS Server and Client on the Raspberry Pi
Setup a NFS Server/Client on the RaspberryPi 3 Setup the Server Side - Disks and Directories Prepare the directories: $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/nfs $ sudo chown pi:pi /opt/nfs $ sudo chmod 755 /opt/nfs For demonstration, I will
Adding Bricks to your GlusterFS Volume to Increase Storage Capacity
So you've reached a point where you have run out of storage and you need to scale or allocate more storage to your GlusterFS Volume. ( function() { if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; }; var unit = {"calltype":"async[2]","publisher":"rbekker87"
Replace Faulty Bricks in GlusterFS
Previous Posts: From our GlusterFS Series we have covered the following: GlusterFS: Distributed Replicated Volume GlusterFS: Distributed Storage Volume GlusterFS: Replicated Storage Volume GlusterFS: Adding Bricks to your Volume GlusterFS: Replace Faulty Bricks Replacing Faulty GlusterFS Bricks: Today we will
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