When using Lambda and DynamoDB, you can use global variables to gain performance when your data from DynamoDB does not get updated that often, and you would like to use caching to prevent a API call to DynamoDB everytime your
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 244 posts
Distributing a Shared Secret amongst a Group of Participants using Shamirs Secret Sharing Scheme aka ssss
In situations where a group of participants join together to split up a secret in a form of secret sharing, where the secret is devided into parts, giving each participant their own unique part. Together contributing to reconstruct the initial
Send Emails using Python and Sendgrid using SMTPlib
Quick tutorial on how to send emails using Python and smtplib. Sendgrid Sendgrid offers 100 free outbound emails per day, sign up with them via sendgrid.com/free, create a API Key and save your credentials in a safe place.
Get Blogpost Titles Links and Tags from a RSS Link using Python Feedparser
I wanted to get metadata from my other blog sysadmins.co.za, such as each post's title, link and tags using the RSS link. I stumbled upon feedparser, where I will use it to scrape all the posts details from
Using IAM Authentication with Amazon Elasticsearch Service
Today I will demonstrate how to allow access to Amazons Elasticsearch Service using IAM Authenticationi using AWS Signature Version4. Elasticsearch Service Authentication Support: When it comes to security, Amazons Elasticsearch Service supports three types of access policies: Resource Based Identity
Ruby Tutorial Series Setup and Variables
This is the second post from our Ruby Tutorial Series In this post we will setup our Ruby environment, then start printing out values to the console and will also be touching on variables. Ruby Environment: I have a Docker
Ruby Programming Tutorial Series
Welcome! This will be a multi post ruby tutorial programming series, as I am on a mission learning ruby. Outline of the Series: This may change, but the path will look like this: Setup, The Terminal and Variables Arrays Data
Hello World Web App with Java Springboot and Maven
In this post we will setup a Java Hello World Web App, using Maven and SpringBoot on Ubuntu 16. I will create all the needed files in this tutorial, but you can head to start.spring.io to generate the
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