In this tutorial we will be setting up Traefik v2 as our reverse proxy with port 80 and 443 enabled, and then hook up a example application behind the application load balancer, and route incoming requests via host headers. What
A collection of 9 posts
Setup a Self-Hosted Password Manager with Bitwarden
Learn how to setup a open source password manager called bitwarden on docker and use traefik as our http proxy with letsencrypt
HTTPS using Letsencrypt and Traefik with k3s
Guide to demonstrate how to implement Letsencrypt with Traefik on k3s Kubernetes to encrypt your traffic with TLS.
Traefik Ingress for OpenFaas on k3d
In this post we will deploy OpenFaas on Kubernetes locally using k3sup and k3d, then deploy a Traefik Ingress so that we can access the OpenFaas Gateway on HTTP over the standard port 80. K3d is a amazing wrapper that
Use Traefik as a Kubernetes Ingress Controller for your App on Civo
Hook up your application to Traefik's Reverse Proxy on Kubernetes using Civo's Kubernetes as a Service offering. And see how easy it is.
Integrating Google OAuth with Traefik
I stumbled upon a really cool project: Traefik Forward Auth that provides Google OAuth based Login and Authentication for Traefik. This means that you can secure your Traefik backend services by using Google for authentication to access your backends. Authorizing
Traefik and Portainer on Docker Swarm with Letsencrypt
In this tutorial we will deploy a 2 Node Docker Swarm and Deploy Traefik with SSL for our Reverse Proxy and Portainer for our Docker Management User Interface. At the end of this tutorial you will see how easy it
Setup RocketChat on Docker Swarm with Traefik Reverse Proxy
Rocket Chat is a Great Self-Hosted Open Source Communication Platform for Teams and Communities. You can almost categorize it as a Open Source Self Hosted Slack-like Platform. Features: Rocket Chat offers features such as: Chat Platform API Live Support Chat
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