In this tutorial we will be creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Civo using Terraform and use the local provider to save the kubeconfig to a local file.
A collection of 19 posts
HTTPS using Letsencrypt and Traefik with k3s
Guide to demonstrate how to implement Letsencrypt with Traefik on k3s Kubernetes to encrypt your traffic with TLS.
Persistent NFS Storage for Kubernetes Deployments
How to persist kubernetes deployments with persistent storage using NFS.
3 Node Multi-master k3s Kubernetes Cluster with MySQL
Setup a 3 Node Multi Master Kubernetes Cluster using k3s and MySQL on Raspberry Pi Nodes
Kubernetes Homelab Guide with Raspberry Pi's
In the next couple of posts, I will demonstrate how I run a 3 Node Rasbperry Pi Cluster using k3s distribution of kubernetes. This post will serve as the index and will cover the following: 3 node multi master kubernetes
Traefik Ingress for OpenFaas on k3d
In this post we will deploy OpenFaas on Kubernetes locally using k3sup and k3d, then deploy a Traefik Ingress so that we can access the OpenFaas Gateway on HTTP over the standard port 80. K3d is a amazing wrapper that
Persistent Storage with OpenEBS on Kubernetes
Today we will explore persistent storage for Cassandra on Kubernetes with OpenEBS. If you want to follow along, you can sign up with them to get your account created: What will be doingWe will be deploying a k3s distribution of
Setup your First CI/CD Pipeline with Drone-Ci and Gitea on Kubernetes | Post 2
In our first post, I demonstrated how to setup Drone-CI, Gitea and Postgres on Kubernetes. In this post we will setup our first Git repository on Gitea, add our SSH key, push our application code to git and setup our
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