The other day I had to troubleshoot my MySQL database when I started getting errors that my applications can't connect to MySQL due to this error: Too many connections. These were the steps that I took Check Maximum Allowed ConnectionsTo
A collection of 10 posts
Setup a 3 Node MongoDB Replica Set on Ubuntu 20
This tutorial will teach you how to install and configure a 3 node MongoDB Replica Set on Linux to achieve high availability, redundancy and increased data availability.
Setup a 3 Node MongoDB Replica Set on Ubuntu
Setup a 3 Node Replica-Set MongoDB Cluster to showcase data durability on Civo Cloud
Create Read Only Users in MongoDB
In this post I will demonstrate how to setup 2 read only users in MongoDB. One user that will have access to one MongoDB Database and all the Collections, and one user with access to one MongoDB Database and only
Give your Database a break and use Memcached to return frequently accessed data
So let's take this scenario: Your database is getting hammered with requests and building up some load over time and we would like to place a caching layer in front of our database that will return data from the caching
Dockerizing a Memcached Server for Docker on Alpine
This post I will demostrate how to dockerize a memcached server on Alpine and how to create a boot script that allows you to pass environment variables through to the application. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu,
Experimenting with Python and Flata the Lightweight Document Orientated Database
Flata is a lightweight document orientated database, which was inspired by TinyDB and LowDB. Why Flata? Most of the times my mind gets in its curious states and I think about alternative ways on doing things, especially testing lightweight apps
MongoDB Examples with the Mongo Shell
In this post we will go through some basic examples on how to write, read, update and delete data with MongoDB using the Mongo Shell. Pre-Requisites: You will need to have a running MongoDB Server, you can follow this post
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