Run Your Self-Hosted S3 Service With Minio on Docker Swarm

Minio is a distributed object storage server built for cloud applications, which is similar to Amazon's S3 Service.

Today, we will create the server on docker swarm, as I don't currently have a external data store like GlusterFS / NFS etc, I will host the data on the manager node, and set a constraint for the service so that the service can only run on the manager node.

Prepare the Data Directory:

I will only rely on the manager node for my data, so on my manager node:

$ mkdir -p /mnt/data

Create the Service:

If you have a Replicated Gluster Volume or NFS which is mounted throughout your docker swarm, you can create the directory path for it, and the update your --mount source path to your external data store. In my case, I will just point it to my manager node's /mnt/data path as I have setup the service to only run on the one manager node in my swarm:

$ docker service create \
--name minio \
--network appnet \
--replicas 1 \
--publish 9000:9000 \
--constraint 'node.role==manager' \
--mount "type=bind,source=/mnt/data,target=/data" \
minio/minio server /data

Install the AWS CLI Tools:

We will use the awscli tools to interact with our Minio Server:

$ pip install awscli

Configure the Client:

Configure the awscli client with the access details that we passed in our docker service:

$ aws configure --profile minio
AWS Secret Access Key []: ASDFASDFASDF
Default region name []: us-west-1
Default output format []: json

Create the Bucket:

Create a New Bucket, in this case news3bucket

$ aws --profile minio --endpoint-url http://MINIO-IP:9000 s3 mb s3://news3bucket
make_bucket: news3bucket

List Buckets:

List our endpoint, to see the buckets on our server:

$ aws --profile minio --endpoint-url http://MINIO-IP:9000 s3 ls /
2017-09-08 15:01:40 news3bucket

Upload an Object to your Bucket:

We will upload an image awsddb-1.png to our new bucket:

$ aws --profile minio --endpoint-url http://MINIO-IP:9000 s3 cp awsddb-1.png s3://news3bucket/
upload: ./awsddb-1.png to s3://news3bucket/awsddb-1.png

List Bucket:

List your bucket, to see the uploaded object:

$ aws --profile minio --endpoint-url http://MINIO-IP:9000 s3 ls s3://news3bucket
2017-09-08 15:03:11      19851 awsddb-1.png

Download Object:

Download the image from your Bucket, and set the local file to file.png:

$ aws --profile minio --endpoint-url http://MINIO-IP:9000 s3 cp s3://news3bucket/awsddb-1.png file.png
download: s3://news3bucket/awsddb-1.png to ./file.png

Web Access:

You can also access Minio's Web Interface on the port that you have exposed, in my case: http://MINIO-IP:9000/minio/
