Python Flask Series - Introduction to Python Flask P1

This is our First Post of our Python Flask Tutorial Series as this serves a Gentle Introduction to Python Flask:

*If you missed the main page, head over to the Index Page

What is Python Flask?

Flask is a Micro Web Framework which is written in Python and is based on the Werkzeug Toolkit and the Jinja2 Template Engine.

Flask is super lightweight, and you import the modules as you need them, from some research some say that Flask is more designed for smaller applications whereas Django is designed for your larger applications.

With that being said, if you are planning with scale I am pretty sure that Flask can handle big applications, but it probably depends what your application is doing

Features of Python Flask:

Some of Flask's features includes but not limited to: a built-in development server and debugger, supports Jinja2 templating, support for secure cookies (client side sessions), fairly easy to learn and IMPRESSIVE documentation, which is really helpful!

Who uses Flask?

Businesses such as:

  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Netflix's Orchestration Framework: Lemur
  • Mailgun uses Flask for their API's
  • Uber's Vault and Partner sites
  • Happify

Demo Applications:

Some of the Web Applications that I made with Python Flask:

Head back to the Index | Move on to Hello World Example Application