Finally, I got my hands on a RaspberryPi 4 (4GB Edition) and I thought I'd write up a post on how to flash your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS and installing Rancher's Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution, K3S This post is a
Traefik and Portainer on Docker Swarm with Letsencrypt
In this tutorial we will deploy a 2 Node Docker Swarm and Deploy Traefik with SSL for our Reverse Proxy and Portainer for our Docker Management User Interface. At the end of this tutorial you will see how easy it
Getting Started with Serverless on AWS with SAM
In this tutorial I will be demonstrating a Hello-World Python Serverless Application using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model). SAM is a open-source framework that allows you to build serverless applications on the AWS Cloud. Serverless might familiar to most, but
Docker Swarm Persistent Storage with NFS
In this tutorial we will experiment with Docker Swarm Persistent Storage, backed by NFS using ContainX's Netshare Service Get the dependencies:If you have not provisioned a swarm using docker, have a look at setup a 3 node docker swarm
Setup a 3 Node MongoDB Replica Set on Ubuntu
Setup a 3 Node Replica-Set MongoDB Cluster to showcase data durability on Civo Cloud
Install Grafana to Visualize your Metrics from datasources such as Prometheus on Linux
Grafana is a Open Source Dashboarding service that allows you to monitor, analyze and graph metrics from datasources such as prometheus, influxdb, elasticsearch, aws cloudwatch, and many more. window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"mc.us15.
Install Blackbox Exporter to Monitor Websites with Prometheus
Blackbox Exporter by Prometheus allows probing over endpoints such as http, https, icmp, tcp and dns. window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"3dfcff447b6ee598231eeb658","lid":"5c36081d06","uniqueMethods":true}) })What will we be
Install Pushgateway to Expose Metrics to Prometheus
In most cases when we want to scrape a node for metrics, we will install node-exporter on a host and configure prometheus to scrape the configured node to consume metric data. But in certain cases we want to push custom
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