Github Actions are amazing, and In the next couple of posts, I will be demonstrating how you could use Github Actions to automate your workflows.
HTTPS using Letsencrypt and Traefik with k3s
Guide to demonstrate how to implement Letsencrypt with Traefik on k3s Kubernetes to encrypt your traffic with TLS.
Easy VPN setup on a RaspberryPi using PiVPN
Easy VPN setup using PiVPN on your Raspberry Pi for working remotely when you are on the road. PiVPN supports WireGuard and OpenVPN
Persistent NFS Storage for Kubernetes Deployments
How to persist kubernetes deployments with persistent storage using NFS.
3 Node Multi-master k3s Kubernetes Cluster with MySQL
Setup a 3 Node Multi Master Kubernetes Cluster using k3s and MySQL on Raspberry Pi Nodes
Kubernetes Homelab Guide with Raspberry Pi's
In the next couple of posts, I will demonstrate how I run a 3 Node Rasbperry Pi Cluster using k3s distribution of kubernetes. This post will serve as the index and will cover the following: 3 node multi master kubernetes
Setup a NFS Server with Docker
In this post we will see how quick and fast it is to setup a NFS Server using a Docker container using itsthenetwork/nfs-server-alpine. If you would like to install NFS Server using a non-docker based deployment, you can have
Create a AWS ECS Cluster with AWS CLI Tools
In this Tutorial we will build a ECS Cluster on AWS using the AWS CLI Tools.
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