This tutorial will teach you how to install and configure a 3 node MongoDB Replica Set on Linux to achieve high availability, redundancy and increased data availability.
Setup a LEMP Stack on Ubuntu 22.04
In this tutorial we will setup and configure a LEMP stack, which enables us to serve dynamic content with PHP, retrieved from a MySQL database.
Setup SSL for Jenkins with Caddy on Ubuntu 22.04
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to setup a reverse proxy to Jenkins with Caddy server.
Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 22.04
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to install Jenkins on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) and how to create a freestyle job.
How to Setup In-Place Upgrades with CodeDeploy
This is an example on using CodeCommit, CodePipeline with CodeDeploy for EC2 deployments.
How to use dotenv with Python
This is a short tutorial on how to use dotenv to read key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables. Python-dotenv assists in the development of applications, following the 12-factor principles. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
Setup Traefik Version 2 on Docker
In this tutorial we will be setting up Traefik v2 as our reverse proxy with port 80 and 443 enabled, and then hook up a example application behind the application load balancer, and route incoming requests via host headers. What
Create a Civo Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform
In this tutorial we will be creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Civo using Terraform and use the local provider to save the kubeconfig to a local file.
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