In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to setup a reverse proxy to Jenkins with Caddy server.
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 242 posts
Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 22.04
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to install Jenkins on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) and how to create a freestyle job.
How to Setup In-Place Upgrades with CodeDeploy
This is an example on using CodeCommit, CodePipeline with CodeDeploy for EC2 deployments.
How to use dotenv with Python
This is a short tutorial on how to use dotenv to read key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables. Python-dotenv assists in the development of applications, following the 12-factor principles. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
Setup Traefik Version 2 on Docker
In this tutorial we will be setting up Traefik v2 as our reverse proxy with port 80 and 443 enabled, and then hook up a example application behind the application load balancer, and route incoming requests via host headers. What
Create a Civo Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform
In this tutorial we will be creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Civo using Terraform and use the local provider to save the kubeconfig to a local file.
DynamoDB Cross Account Access
Use-Case: EC2 Instance in account A wants to access DynamoDB tables in Account B. Pre-RequisitesAccount A instances to assume role for DynamoDB access in Account BStepsAccount A (EC2 Instance): - Create a Role called CrossDDBAccess (or whatever you want to
Difference with ECS Task and Execution IAM Roles on AWS
The difference between the AWS ECS Task Execution IAM Role and the IAM Role for Tasks.
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