In this post I will demonstrate how to setup a golang environment on Ubuntu. Get the sources: Get the latest stable release golang tarball from and download to the directory path of choice, and extract the
Ruan Bekker
A collection of 244 posts
Golang: Building a Basic Web Server in Go
Continuing with our #golang-tutorial blog series, in this post we will setup a Basic HTTP Server in Go. Our Web Server: Our Web Server will respond on 2 Request Paths: - / -> returns "Hello, Wolrd!" - /cheers
IAM Policy to Allow Team Wide and User Level Permissions on AWS Secrets Manager
In this post we will simulate a scenario where a team would like to have access to create secrets under a team path name like /security-team/prod/* and /security-team/dev/* and allow all the users from that team to be
Create Read Only Users in MongoDB
In this post I will demonstrate how to setup 2 read only users in MongoDB. One user that will have access to one MongoDB Database and all the Collections, and one user with access to one MongoDB Database and only
Capturing 54 Million Passwords with a Docker SSH Honeypot
The last couple of days I picked up on my ELK Stack a couple thousands of SSH Brute Force Attacks, so I decided I will just revisit my SSH Server configuration, and change my SSH Port to something else for
Investigating High Request Latencies on Amazon DynamoDB
While testing DynamoDB for a specific use case I picked up at times where a GetItem will incur about 150ms in RequestLatency on the Max Statistic. This made me want to understand the behavior that I'm observing. I will go
Give your Database a break and use Memcached to return frequently accessed data
So let's take this scenario: Your database is getting hammered with requests and building up some load over time and we would like to place a caching layer in front of our database that will return data from the caching
Dockerizing a Memcached Server for Docker on Alpine
This post I will demostrate how to dockerize a memcached server on Alpine and how to create a boot script that allows you to pass environment variables through to the application. #carbonads { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu,
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